BioDiversity & Climate Change

The state of Gujarat, having a 1600 km long coastline, is experiencing the severe effects of climate change along with the benefits of coastal resources

The severe cyclones, heavy rains, unseasonal rains, floods and severe fires that hit Gujarat in the last 10 years are indicative of the severe effects of climate change in Gujarat.

Along with this, the decrease in bio-diversity and some organisms are on the verge of extinction is said to be very serious.

The organization organizes training sessions, lectures and public awareness on Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation by experienced experts as per need in Gujarat and neighboring states.


We GujAID Disaster and First Aid Foundation provide International Standard Bio Diversity and Climate Change Adaptation Training, ECO DRR Training, Bio Diversity Awareness Sessions, Climate Change awareness Sessions, Bio Diversity Lecture, Climate Change Adaptation lecture with certification based at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We provide Training programme in PAN Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh by our team of 24 years experienced Master Trainers and Facilitators.

Kindly attention Gujarat Ecology Commission, Climate Change Department, NGO working on climate Change, Universities, School, Colleges, Universities, Forest Conservators, Forest Training Centres, CSR Coordinators, CSR Managers, International Schools as well as International and National NGO HR and Volunteer group leaders.

Training sessions are conducted by the institute for the following communities.
  • Preventing or mitigating hazards themselves

  • Limiting people’s exposure to hazards

  • Limiting people’s vulnerability

  • School and College students

  • Employees of non-governmental organizations working in community

  • Volunteers affiliated with various voluntary organizations

  • Teachers

  • Employees of the Health Department

  • First responders

  • Different departments of Govt

  • Local leaders and members of Panchayat